(38 replies, posted in Forum general)

This new board hides an important change in the site "philosophy". This is no longer a semi static website dedicaced to the game Schet is playing, but a game that include any game played by anyone from the community.

For example, if you are playing Everquest 1 and wants a place to host your guild, whatever is it called, just tell us what forum(s) you need (for example General / Crafting / Raids / officers)  and we should be able to give you access and CONTROL to thoses forums (Moderation, access restrictions).

Depending on the admin availability, there might uber additions later like a common news system, loot gestion hosting and so on.

Suggestion are welcome !

The happy admins
Kallaael (Zilasak, Slayenn) and Schet. (Mhamphym, Zig, Aiely, Yleia, Nine and so on..)