1 (edited by Graf 19-02-2007 14:57:40)

Topic: Loosely collected Crafting tips

Anybody plz post theirs too


Adjusting Craft Skills: I tried different setups now, im getting good results when i have the tool and the utility skills higher than the station skill (220 in utility, 220 in tool, and only 175 in station) since i can make good advancements in quality and progress, but it seems that the station skill generally prevents complications to pop up. Im trying a new setup today when i lvl up, and doing the station skill higher and let the 2 others a bit slack behind.

But maybe its the best way to go to have all points evenly divided among them.

But in T3 or higher the complications cen get critical. you can easily fuck up on a 5-item workorder, when the serious complications pop up. So maybe doing the station skill ahead of the other 2, will probably the way to go in t3 +


Get craft gear upgrades. it helps a ton

There are 2 quests for heroic chest and apron, ill post later where they start. well one of them starts in khal, east side, at the trading company with the camels there. These 2 things are a MUST if you want to grind crafts seriously. Can get the quests after you hit lvl 15 i think but im not sure what lvl you have to be


The best exp comes probably from one-item Workorders OR from sets if you do each item only grade C, because then you can rush through a set WO, and the exp is quite effectively


if you do an item grade D on a workorder, the workorder is considered to be a failure and you wont get much exp or none at all, depending on the workorder. Try to avoid making grade D on workorders


When you hit t3, you can no longer buy attuning dusts from the npcs. you have to buy them from other players or trade them, or get them via workorders. But the main way to get attuning powders (powders are t3) are through deconstructing items. you will have deconstruct recipes when you hit t2 and t3.


I have read in the web, that you can get rare recipes as reward from workorders. Beginning in T3, you can get uber loot from batches. From sets you can have a chance at getting loot, but only from batches you have a high chance at getting some.


there are 3 continental crafter factions. Thestra kojan and qualia. Each continent has their own style of craft recipes (for example with the qualian style recipes i can only make +mind / + spirit resist rings, from the kojan recipes i can do +  physical absorption rings). your standing in each of these 3 factions (no matter where you are from) determines later, what standart recipes you will be able to buy from the npcs. so working on factions soon is not a bad way to increase your repertoire at recipes. but dont forget, that if you switch to another continent for crafting, that you will still have to grind faction in your home continent to get the standard recipes there too.

moneta came up with a nice tip for this: there are some outposts on each continent, that give you +2 faction with the continental faction per workorder, instead of +1 when you work in the major cities. For kojan: in tawar galan you get +2 kojan artisan faction per workorder. For qualia moneta found out that its jharru flats where you get +2 qualian artisan faction.


The dwarven main city on thestra (dunno what hte name is right now) has a good amount of nice crafter quests, scattered among the city.

Re: Loosely collected Crafting tips

well I'm just lvl 10, but I got attuning dust from batch Work orders.

3 (edited by Moneta 19-02-2007 19:24:31)

Re: Loosely collected Crafting tips

Yeah, I got lots of nice stuff from batch orders from start smile
Incorporated Grafs stuff in the sticky, lemme know if I missed anyting Graffer!