1 (edited by Moneta 30-03-2007 00:48:12)

Topic: For Seibas

Dunno if you found it, but I know now what you were looking for, so in case not:
Craftplace is at Infineum Plateaus, at south border towards Varyn Dunes, on east side of the river.
Gives: +2 Hathor Zhi Artisans & +10 Hathor Zhi smile

Re: For Seibas

Thanks moneta. I'll give it another try at the weekend. I prefer to make something useful for faction. Killing grey mobs for faction is absolutely boring as a cleric, since you can't one-shot even level 5 mobs :-(

And as far as i have seen, you need to visit Hathor-Zhi for the continental quest, and I'm KoS there. So grinding a bit there would be perfect.